Our cat, Jake, is spending the night in the garage. It seems we have acquired a mouse. Now... our Jake has a reputation to uphold, so i hope to find one deceased mouse delivered to my door in the morning. We have had Jake for a couple of months and so far he has presented three mice, but I did see him having another one for breakfast. (not sure that rates up there with Fancy Feast in the diet plan of cats) Two of the mice he dropped in Harley's water bowl, much to her dismay. Jake's way of putting it to the dog. I have to admit it kind of grossed me out. Confirmed dead? Four in two months. Not bad at all. How one in the garage has survived, I'm not quite sure.
We got Jake from a friend, who thought Jake needed a country home. Jake likes to hunt outside, and due to increased traffic, he was worried Jake might get hit. We needed a cat and Jake needed a home. Perfect solution. He told us that Jake had brought him mice, snakes, possums, large rats, rabbits, and skunks. This is not your normal cat. Did I mention he swims? Yep, you read that right. He swims, and he LIKES it!
Jake is a solid black Manx. I say solid black, but he does have one white spot about the size of a dime and various battle scars. He is big with huge fangs, and the site of him has scared quite a few of my kids' friends.
LOL! He's been compared to a panther. My mom calls him gorgeous, but I'm not quite sure that's the right description. Striking, regal, fierce, intimidating....
He patrols our property diligently, and the feral tom that sometimes roams the area has been put on notice. ha ha! One of
Jake's war wounds is a result of that encounter. Something tells me they don't like each other very much.
Our friend recently called and asked if he could borrow Jake back for awhile. Seems some skunks have taken up residence underneath his office. Funny....we haven't had a problem with them lately....